Tuesday 12 January 2010

My Royal Observatory Greenwich shifts for Jan/Feb 2010

During January & February 2010, I'll be working at the Royal Observatory Greenwich on the following dates:

  • Sunday 3rd January, all planetarium shows
  • Sunday 24th January, all planetarium shows
  • Saturday 6th February, all planetarium shows
  • Thursday 11th February, A-level talk about X-ray Astronomy & afternoon planetarium shows
  • Sunday 14th February, all planetarium shows, and the Evening with the Stars Valentine's Special
  • Saturday 20th February, all planetarium shows
  • Sunday 21sth March, Evening with the Stars

The Evening with the Stars includes planetarium shows, observing with amateur telescopes, and observing with the historic 28" refracting telescope (see the ROG website for full details).

On those days, I will present a selection of the following planetarium shows...

  • We Are Astronomers - What do astronomers do?
  • The Sky Tonight: Live! - What can we see in tonight's night sky?
  • Meet the Neighbours - Take a look at the planets next door.
  • Space Safari - Will Ted the Teddy Bear find the Great Big Bear?!
  • Ice Worlds - Comparing the icy locations on Earth, with other icy locations in the rest of our solar system
  • Star Life - See the lives of stars – how they are born, grow up, grow old and eventually die

For details about We Are Astronomers (featured in the clip below) see WeAreAstronomers.com - I'm particularly fond of this show since I was involved in its production and the folks at NSC Creative have made such a great show!

For further details about any of these shows, visit the Royal Observatory website.

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