Friday 25 November 2016

Gemind Shooting Stars 2016

The Geminid shooting star shower is my favourite of the year, due to the numerous bright fireballs that are produced. The shower peaks in the early morning of December the 4th - conveniently a Sunday morning this year!

So get your family outside with the foxes & moths and see how many shooting stars you can spot!


Saturday 30 July 2016

Perseid Shooting Star Shower 2016

The Perseid shooting star shower produces lots of little flashes of light in the sky as bits of dust burn up in the upper atmosphere. The shower peaks in the early morning of August the 13th - conveniently a Saturday morning this year!

So get your friends outside with the badgers & bats and see how many shooting stars you can spot!


Tuesday 15 March 2011

Japanese Earthquakes continue...

The scene of destruction in Japan due to the large magnitude 9 earthquake and resulting tsunami has shocked and saddened us all - especially since I spent some time in Sendai and the surrounding area in 1999. And the photographs of the aftermath are heart breaking.

What has also astonished me are the huge numbers of aftershocks in the area.

Using data from the US Geological Survey, I have plotted a graph of the seismic activity around Japan over the past week (see below). The strength and number of aftershock is astounding.

Remember, a magnitude 4-4.9 earthquake causes noticeable rattling, and for every unit you go up the scale, an earthquake is 10 times stronger. A magnitude 5 quake, being ten times more powerful than a magnitude 4, can already do damage. The magnitude 9 quake that Japan experienced last week is 10,000 times stronger than a magnitude 5 quake - almost incomprehensible.

The graph shows...

  • 1 Mag 9 Earthquake
  • 1 at Mag. 7.1
  • 37 between Mag. 6.0-6.8
  • 258 between Mag. 5.0-5.9

That's 300 earth-quakes, all of which could cause structural damage, in just one week. Terrifying.

One wonders when will these earth-quakes end?